Sunday, February 19, 2006


I told you this post would take a while. For one, we’ve just been getting things settled and trying to gear up for life again. However, the main reason is I just don’t want to end this trip. I know, this is the beginning of a life long journey, and I am really excited about the next chapter. But, I’ve laid awake the last few nights (while my body tries to adjust to Alaska time) and thought about our stay in China… it seems a bit surreal at this point, but hard to let go of. Oh well, enough of my pining away for China… we’re home, I’m not independently wealthy, and life goes on.

We arrived home to our family greeting us at the airport. The girls did well on the plane ride home. Carli only had a couple short-lived crying episodes. Jenna did well, but was sick and ended up having a major accident. Luckily, we had a change of clothes she could wear.

Upon arriving at our house, Carli immediately joined in playing with the other children with cars and toys… she was very much at home. She and Jenna actually made it until bedtime playing and being pretty happy. As they were with Jenna, the boys barely blinked with Carli. We knew our boys would be accepting, but they really just pulled her in and were very excited she was home.

We also have 2 cats and a dog and we weren’t sure how she would respond to those. Well, she loved them. She seems to really get excited about the cats but spends time petting and hugging Rosa, our dog, also. Another thing I wondered about was how she would like being strapped down in a car seat. We didn’t attempt it on the way home from the airport (she just survived 3 years of driving in China… I thought she could handle a couple miles through Anchorage!). But, on Saturday, we put her in and she did great; it didn’t phase her.

I think, at this point, we are successfully back in the groove of life. Jenna went through a bit of a sickness where she didn’t eat for several days, but seems to be recovering. Carli is learning English words quickly… she understands several, now, and has been repeating some. She seems very happy and likes to be close to us. Jenna is getting more comfortable with the idea of Carli being around. Although she still regresses a bit into Carli’s baby-talk sounds, she is getting less jealous and more engaging with Carli. In the morning, when they both get up out of bed, they give each other a hug and kiss… it is very sweet.

I’m not sure what I’ll do with this blog. Someone suggested I keep it going even after we arrived home, which I think is a good idea, but it isn’t just Carli any more, it is our family, and that is the next chapter, so I don’t think it is right to continue that chapter under this blog title. In the hopes of continuing on an online journal, I’ve started a new blog, mostly for myself, but also to share with others. The address is

Thank you all for being faithful readers and so supportive of our adoption of Carli.


Blogger Haney Family said...

Thanks again for taking us along on your journey. I loved all the pictures of the homecoming.

I figured we would do something with a blog too, since I had to register here anyways.
BUT I still wish they had a spell check!

I look forward to watching your family grow.
Thanks again Brian for your wonderful stories. I am not sure what I am going to do now in the mornings while drinking my coffee!?!?!?

Give sugars to all!
Sheila Haney

4:57 PM  
Blogger Judy, Mark, Nora, Ji Ji and Jiang Lei said...

I found your blog while doing a search on Google. We will be adopting a 4.5 year old boy from Mudanjiang CWI (travel in 2 weeks) and we would like to be in touch with others who have adopted from that orphanage. Appreciate if you can tell us what you know about the orphanage.

12:52 PM  

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